Jan 24, 20224 min

10 Reasons to Record at Home

Setting up a home studio has more benefits than you may realize!

(Cover photo by Sincerely Media)

The Times They Are a-Changin'

Back in the day (let’s just say the 70’s) it was a much different process to record a song. You would finish your latest tune, find a couple of buddies who could play, and you would all shlep down to the studio to record your song all at the same time in the same room. It was probably an API console if it was in the 70’s and you recorded your takes onto a maximum of 4 channels of tape. (But what about all my vocal layers??)

I always think about this time and how different it seems compared to the ease of access most musicians experience in 2022. Can you IMAGINE if they had Logic Pro back then?! Or even better, what would Jacob Collier do with only 4 tracks?

In any case, the recording process is much different today. You probably won’t be recording to tape, and you most likely won’t have to get your song recorded perfectly in one take. Today you can splice vocal takes together and you there are plugins right 'in the box' (the computer) that Compress/EQ/Autotune and MORE!

Recording from home has a lot of benefits. Let's check them out.

10 Reasons to Record at Home

1. Comfort

Recording at home means you can be comfortable and relaxed. With no time limit to get everything recorded you’ll probably end up getting better takes. Billie Eilish recorded her Multi-Grammy-Winning album at home sitting on her bed holding a microphone in her hand. Feeling confident and comfortable is important for a good recording session.

2. The Gear Is Good

As technology gets better and better, music recording gear gets better. Now you can buy a little box for about $100 that connects to your computer and converts audio from a microphone to digital information that your computer can understand. That is AMAZING! And it sounds good too!

3. Document Your Ideas

Ever had a great idea for a melody and you couldn’t find a way to write it down? If you had a home recording studio you’d be able to walk over to your set-up, hit record, and capture what could be the next big hit. You can also record scratch vocals first just to get the ideas down.

4. Collaborate With Others

More and more people are getting set up to record every day. At Fox Tracks Music, we record our projects utilizing a team of pro musicians with home studios. Our most recent being original music for SiriusXM! If you set up to record at home, you can collaborate with incredible players around the country.

5. Save Money

Getting set up to record at home might look daunting when you see the cost of an interface, a microphone, and cables and stands. But compare that to the day rate of a studio and do the math! Even if you decide to use a studio, having the song mocked up using your home studio set up can save you lots of cash. Plus you’ll be practiced and ready to go! In any case, recording at home can get you industry standard quality without the price tag of a traditional studio bill.

6. It’s Easier Than You Think

Recording at home only takes a few things: a room, an interface, a microphone, and a computer. I bet you have two of those already! If you want to go the extra mile you can get some nice headphones and do a little bit of work to treat your room. If you want to learn how to record at home we have a great PDF that outlines everything you need. Click here to download it (bottom of the page)

7. It’s Great Practice

Recording yourself at home and then listening back is one of the best forms of practice you can get. Your home studio will allow you to hear yourself in high quality and study notes or sections that could be better polished. As a listener, you’ll pick up on so much more than when you’re playing. It's what your audience hears too!

8. Super-Boost Your Content

Recording at home means you can knock your social media videos OUT OF THE PARK. High quality audio is so important when you’re trying to stand out in a sea of musicians. Use your phone or invest in a video studio to go along with your recording studio.

Do it for the Gram!

9. Learn The Ropes

If you learn to record at home you’ll be able to better understand what your song needs. By learning at least a little bit about EQ, Recording, Editing, etc. you'll be able to convey your musical wishes when it comes time to work with a producer. By sketching out the elements you hear for your song, you’ll be able to flesh them out much more effectively.

10. Let Your Songs Be Heard

Recording your song at home can give you a lot of confidence to share and distribute it. It sounds much better than a voice memo recording and with some know-how and a little polishing, it will be ready for release on Spotify, YouTube, etc. If money or time is in the way of recording your songs, home recording might be a perfect option for you.

Getting set up to record at home? Shoot us an email at foxtracksmusic@gmail.com

We’re always happy to help out.
